It's hard for me to communicate exactly what I'm feeling.
I'm reminded of how much I love my darling daughter when she says the cutest and most unexpected things. My favorite: "mommy, you're my best friend."
I feel self-conscious when I don't like what I'm wearing.
I am mildly dishonest when I save pictures I like but never save the links to them. Then put them on Pinterest/this blog. Oops :(
I can't imagine a world without a complete family.
I'm surprised that I still an managing to lose weight even though I haven't fully changed my eating habits, or exercise nearly enough.
I get a little too easily wrapped up in finding things that inspire me but not putting those inspirations to good use.
I indulge in guilty pleasures like staying up way to late watching Parenthood on Netflix or reading.
I wish all things in life were as wonderful as the moment I see my fiancés face after not seeing him for months.
Love this. Love you.